Tuesday, August 01, 2006

She's finally here...

So I was up at 6:00 o'clock yesterday morning, getting ready for work, and I have to admit I got a sick pleasure when the phone rang, so that my parents had to get up as well. Of course the only person who would call at this time would be a pregnant family member. Hailey was in labour and they were heading into the hospital and needed someone to come get Eoin. Only a little over an hour later at 7:45 Moia Jaelle Kingsley (pronounced Moya) was born to us at 8lbs 4 ounces. I was able to go in and visit my niece after work last night and then again today. Hailey looks really well, and should be going home tomorrow if all Moia's blood tests are okay. It was really peaceful in the hospital. Moia is so small, delicate and everything else you'd expect from a new born. I wasn't able to be there for Eoin's birth so this is a new and cool experience for me.

Here's a picture or two:


Mark said...

All right! Praise God! She's got about the most hair I've ever seen on a newborn...

mhkingsley said...

We're really happy you were here too Uncle Mickey. Oh, and the "word verification" I have to type to get this comment posted is "eoin." Crazy.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! For how much trouble there was at the beginning of the pregancy, I'm so glade she got here safely. Oh how swell, and she is quite cute.