Thursday, August 17, 2006

My Life right now? Glad you asked...

A few random shorts:

-work is good, so far I’ve only had to clean up on really nasty toilet….that will be etched in my memory for a long time to come….although funny enough I’m getting a lot better about that type of stuff, I don’t know if it’s a good thing.

-I’ve become absolutely paranoid about washing my hands and arms and anything else I can in the tiny sink.

-Now that I’ve gotten to know my co-workers a bit better, I’ve found that most of them are really sound people. Sure we argue about who has to take down the slop bucket, or deliver that extra-pot of coffee to that irritating patient (or do both at the same time….). But all in all sometimes they’ll get an extra cup of milk for you, or even take down the mop heads to be washed…. isn’t life good.

-By the way, I know you’ve all been thinking about asking it but didn’t want to sound stupid. Yes, my job is just like the janitor in Scrubs, and yes there is a newly qualified doctor who I torment (but he just doesn’t know it yet).

-We’ve been doing a course in food hygiene practices over the past few weeks and my boss came and told my that I did really well in the exam….one of my good pre-med friends from Wheaton, Chika, spent last week in Med. School learn

ing and practicing putting in I.V.’s…

-It’s strange the reactions I get when I tell people th

at I studied Anthropology in college. The most common response is usually a blank look, or a statement like “so what type of jobs can that get you?” On occasion I get the random person who when they hear “Anthropology” say “OH! That’s Fantastic!” which sort of catches me off guard, the sad thing is that all the Anthropology stuff that they actually like and know I haven’t a clue about, so I sort of nod and smile when they mention all these names of people and theories that they love and that I’ve never heard of….

-I got paid for the first time last week, that’s a great part of the job. It’s especially nice cause I don’t really have any expenses at the moment.

-This is the biggest picture of my workplace that I could find. Notice the contrasting architecture from the old country house/1900s convent/60's mixup periods... the way I really do like my job, but it's just easy to make fun of.......

-We had a Fire Extinguisher class today. It’s really fun, I can’t believe that I was actually getting paid for an hour of a man lighting stuff on fire and having us put it out.

-Last but not least, on September 1st, there is rumour there will be a Benjamin Washam appearance, here in Dublin. For those of you who don’t know, Benjamin is my 1st and 2nd year roommate and one of my best friends…. he’ll be staying for 2 weeks, get excited!.


stina said...
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Anonymous said...

hi mike! wow, sounds like a great learning experience... those toliet scrubbing skills will always be useful. when do officially start school again? you might get a few more visitors...


Anonymous said...

sounds like you are doing this post-college life thing well. i just spent about a half of an hour reading through your posts (both present and months past)...thank you. thank you for sharing your life with us. thank you for being honest through your struggles and celebrations.

i am in chicago doing some freelance photo stuff and trying to coax some of my dreams into actuality. we'll see...recently i began attending a new church. it is so refreshing and exciting and TRUE there! i love it. this sunday we'll have baptism in lake michigan. one of the women in my small group will be among those being led into those waters for baptism - i cannot wait. there is something so healing and cleansing about even watching this act.

ok ok...i know! this comment is getting out of control. cheers to you mike - and shoot me an email someday, ok?


Anonymous said...

Your life sounds decidedly amusing and experiential, and good I suppose to get to see stuff in a hospital on the other side of the totem pole. I can understand the hand washing thing though (we had an intro- Hep B can live in a drop of blood on a notebook for 6 months...). Tomorrow I have my first exam. pray me luck!

Anonymous said...

I told one my best friends I knew of a guy who was going to med school somewhere in the UK and had studied Anthropology, and her response was, "Med schools love people who can think!"

Anonymous said...

Your job isnt like janitor from scrubs! It's like... the dinner lady in the school cafeteria!!!!