Well, 2 weeks left till I get a break for Christmas. I've now finished a 6 week psychiatry attachment, 5 week pediatric attachment, 1 week general practice (and an extra 11 week longitudinal GP placement every wednesday afternoon for the past 11 weeks.) On monday I start a 12 week internal medicine placement which includes 4 weeks Respiratory, 4 weeks Gastroenterology and 4 weeks of elderly care medicine (with a 1 of palliative care included). I'm looking forward to it, but really loved my time in paediatrics and General Practice.
But thankfully my life is not just about medicine these days (although it constantly feels like that). I've been trying to include more creative non-science things in my life recently just so my sould gets a reboot now and then. I've been at a few gigs recently which have been cool. One was of a friend of friend named Luke Leighfield, who's someone kinda like a young british Ben Folds. Any singer-song-writing-piano-playing-person is alright by me. So that was cool.
I guess the oddest thing I've been too recently was a night called Slava's Snow Show. Which was a production put on in Southampton's main theatre and we were able to get massively discounted student tickets, but basically it's this Russian clown show, but so much more than that. Poignant, funny, weird, life changeing perhaps....not sure.
Here's a you tube video
Been a couple times to the Talking Heads (a local pub) open mic night....it's a semi-artsy pub and they normally have bands play and comedy nights and such, but this open mic night can draw all sorts. A 25 piece ukelele orchestra (which I've just missed 2 weeks in a row), a scarily good guy who sings quite disturbed songs about people who've hurt him or who he wants to hurt, just through singing and using a loop machine of prerecorded sounds. A random old guy who spounts the same political rant each week to drum beats on his casio keyboard. And then the normal man and his acoustic guitar acts and a few other mixes. Each does two songs and it's pretty cool, a nice change from medicine life.
And even better, in light of the credit crunch, and having a pretty powerful talk on money at church, I tried to see if I could get a cheap drink from the bar. I asked if there was any drink in any size that I could get for less than a pound and he said no. So Tom and I decided to split a half-pint of I think Hoegaarden (but now I'm not sure), to give us a quarter pint each, for a mere 70p a head. We were trying to split the half between two glasses and it was taken quite a while when the bar man took both glasses away and filled them up for us! It was AMAZING, I think now I can understand just a little bit of how the people around Jesus must have felt when started out with rather sad few fish and loaves and came away with a feast. What a feeling!
1 comment:
Hello friend:)
I'm bemused that you in some ways have done similar rotations/attachments as me (although I also had an OB/GYN one right before Christmas break). I'd love to hear details of what you liked/didn't like about each one. I have just started internal med this last week, tho I think its better your's is more organized... and the gigs sound pretty cool too-I haven't quite had time for such;)
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