Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Future...

Well, I really should get around to talking about what's going to be happening to me in the next coming weeks and months, as I'm sure you're all bursting with anticipation....

A few weeks ago you know I posted about the lack of possibilities of me going to med school in the UK, well I seem to have spoken too soon. 3 weeks ago, I received an offer from Southampoton to study in their 4 year medical course. that was my first choice. So, God willing, I'll be heading over to England in late September. Crazy.

Before that though, I'm going back home for the summer. I'll be arriving back in Dublin on May 16th. So first order of business, I need a job. If any one knows of any jobs that you think i'd like/could do PLEASE! let me know. I'll need money if I want to stay in England.

So yeah, I guess that 's it. I've got a week left till I officially graduate, and I'm running around mad trying to get everything finished and done before I can officially get my degree. I need that so that I can turn it in to Southampton as a condition of my offer. Anyway, prayer would be greatly welcomed over the next few weeks.

That's it


Anonymous said...

Prayed for you and all the remaining projects before you as we drove to Fillmore this morning. Sat in front of a guy named John who moved to So Cal 5 years ago..but who grew up in Southampton.

Anonymous said...

Mike, I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO proud of you!

I didn't read your blog before i replied to your bebo so I'm gonna reply again!!!

I prayed my butt off for you and I am so happy God answered the way I wanted him to!

I am so excited for you and I cant wait to see you!!!

To be honest I think you should work as a care attendant in a hospital, it will give you a powerful insight into essential patient care for becoming a doctor it also pays better than any job in a shop or anything!
I am so happy for you!!!